13. The Importance of Self-Care with Recreational Therapist Shaunna Nordstrom
Shaunna Nordstrom
Recreational Therapist
Self-Care and Relationships
Recreational therapist Shaunna Nordstrom has worked in residential treatment centres, mental & behavioural hospitals and rehab facilities. She provided services to patients of all ages before leaving the profession to become a full-time mom. We discuss the importance of self-care and Shaunna reveals how her background in recreational therapy has helped with the various relationships in her life, including with her three children.
Benefits of Recreational Therapy
Discover what’s missing
Greater autonomy
Better quality of life
Is rec therapy like physical therapy? Is it play therapy? Is it music therapy? Art therapy? It’s a little bit of everything. We focus on holistic health and what’s going to ultimately get us the best quality of life.
Shaunna Nordstrom
Create Time for Yourself
Schedule your self-care time
How much time do you need for self-care?
How can you make sure it happens?
Create your ideal self-care routine
How much time do you need?
Schedule that time (daily, weekly)
Plan what you’ll do during that time
Make it happen!
If you’re not taking care of yourself, how are you really going to be happy? And then how are you going to be able to help other people as well? You have to take care of yourself first to be able to the help others.
Shaunna Nordstrom
Fitness Tips
Exercise every day. Even if it’s walking, even if it’s low impact… anything to boost your endorphins is really helpful.
Shaunna Nordstrom
Movement as part of your daily self-care routine
Rec therapy is basically bringing about self-care and taking care of yourself. It’s figuring out: where’s the need? What in my self-care am I lacking?
Shaunna Nordstrom
The Book of Mormon
Style Notes
Yoga pants are Shaunna’s must-have article of clothing.
Listen to the full episode
About ALSO in PINK
Welcome to the ALSO in PINK podcast with host Alexandria Lawrence, a certified KonMari consultant, personal stylist and specialist in biophilic interior design.
ALSO in PINK offers candid conversations with industry leaders and influencers, clients and friends, about what it means to live well.
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Podcast Host
Alexandria Lawrence is passionate about helping you dare to dream big and intentionally live your best life every day.