Evolution of the “Fancy Lady”

Fancy ladies have always been the focus of my illustrations.
For as long as I can remember I’ve been drawing fancy ladies—literally hundreds of them—on any scrap of paper I could get my hands on: from sticky notes to napkins, notebooks, printer paper and Bristol board.
It all started when I was about eight and had the chicken pox.
I drew as my Mom read aloud to me, a welcome distraction from the relentless itching that wriggled over me from head to toe. We progressed through some of English literature’s greatest hits and let’s just say I’m an Anglophile and Jane Austen fan as a result.
Explore the fancy lady timeline
Present Day
2025 is a year of new beginnings—the launch of Club PINK™ and my biophilic design services. I also have exciting plans for my fancy lady illustrations later this year, and there may or may not be plants involved. Stay tuned…
Circa 2011
The Hapless Rehearsal was inspired by the late Daniel Lewis, conductor extraordinaire. He directed the Colburn Chamber Orchestra in Los Angeles, CA, during the late 1990s, when I was in high school and played in this youth orchestra. To this day, he remains the most brilliant conductor I’ve ever worked with.
Calling all fancy ladies!
The Hapless Rehearsal
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