6. Client Case Study: Colour Analysis with Art Director/Curator Martin Clark

Episode 6. Client Case Study: Colour Analysis with Art Director/Curator Martin Clark
photo by Mark Blower

Martin Clark

art director/curator

Art & Reaching New Audiences

Martin Clark is a curator and the director of Camden Art Centre in London. Art has taken Martin all over the world. From the Arnolfini in Bristol and Tate St Ives in Cornwall to the Bergen Kunsthall in Norway. Sharing his love of new art and artists is what drives Martin every day, and working in publicly funded galleries and museums means he can introduce new art and ideas to people of all ages and backgrounds.

The Botanical Mind: Art, Mysticism and The Cosmic Tree

This exhibition just opened at Camden Art Centre in London – on until December 23. The Botanical Mind brings together the work of over 50 artists, spanning more than 500 years, to investigate the ongoing significance of the plant kingdom to human life, consciousness & spirituality.

Listen to this episode to hear Martin Clark speak about the inspiration behind this show. Plus the necessary twists and turns brought on by a certain… worldwide pandemic. Not something you’re expecting to happen right when an exhibition is scheduled to open!

Just because it’s in an art gallery, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a really dynamic, difficult relationship with it. You’re allowed not to like things.

Art & The Environment

A more sustainable global perspective
Yes, we can still be committed to internationalism. But how can the art world be more sustainable? Artist residencies and virtual exhibition walkthroughs are just a couple of possibilities. Foster local creativity but still reach out and celebrate our multicultural world.
Finding creative solutions
There’s loads of work still to be done as we all consider the environmental impact of our businesses, our lives. Does that mean less flying? Fewer big exhibitions travelling the world? Let’s all find ways to continue to explore, make connections and celebrate the diverse world we live in.

Communication is Key

Getting the message
As with most things in life, communication is key. And the art world is exactly the same. Whether we prefer to breeze through an exhibition, read the explanatory notes, or delve even deeper into the subject with essays or online talks, we should feel able to experience art in a way that works for us.
For all the content creators out there…
Always, always be gracious and human. Whether you write exhibition notes, programme notes… whatever it may be, make sure your audience is always front and centre. How can we experience what you’re offering in an engaging way? The creative world is, and should, be welcoming to us all.

Further Inspiration

Olivia Laing: Funny Weather
A fantastic collection of essays on art and artists.
Olivia Laing: The Lonely City
A different take on loneliness: “that loneliness could be a really productive, creative and special space, particularly for art and the making of art”.
Norwegian Rain
Made in Bergen. “The philosophy is simple. Hard core functional and waterproof outerwear that does not compromise on style. The hi-tech is hidden”. Gorgeous rainwear to make you welcome the rain!

Client Case Study: Colour Analysis

Ever wondered why certain colours suit you more than others? Discovering your true colours is a transformative experience. It’s like having a face lift… but better. Wearing your true colours evens out your complexion, makes you look more youthful and energetic, and is a brilliant confidence booster. Wearing your true colours is also likely to get the compliments flowing.

Want to know a little secret? It’s all about your skin tone. And how colour reflecting close to your face reacts with your skin. Colour analysis is a powerful blend of genetics, science and psychology.

Alexandria helped Martin discover his true colours shortly before the pandemic hit the UK. Have a listen to this episode to hear more about Martin’s experience.

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About ALSO in PINK

Welcome to the ALSO in PINK podcast with host Alexandria Lawrence, a certified KonMari consultant, personal stylist and specialist in biophilic interior design.

ALSO in PINK offers candid conversations with industry leaders and influencers, clients and friends, about what it means to live well.

The podcast is currently paused... but we'll be back! In the meantime, you have nearly 50 episodes to enjoy. Happy listening...

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Alexandria standing in front of fabulous glass flower art with rich dark green background

Alexandria Lawrence is passionate about helping you dare to dream big and intentionally live your best life every day.

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